avistamientos de aves
atardecer en la selva



Arrival in Tarapoto then we will take a combi or taxi to Yurimaguas / 2 hours of travel. Stay at the Río Huallaga hotel (s / .30 a night – Not included).

DAY 1: Departure from Yurimaguas to Lagunas 5:00 am on a fast boat for 3:30 hours where you will be received by our agency Huayruro Tours Lagunas / It does not include the cost of roundtrip transportation: S /. 60 per stretch.

Entrance to the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve at 8am in the direction of Santa Rosa de Tibilo and Vigilance Post No. 12, where the canoe adventure will begin and we will enjoy nature in all its magnitude. Pernote.

DAY 2: Departure at 8:00 am. Towards Control Post No. 11 – Camotal. Overnight.

DAY 3: Departure at 8:00 am to Tipishca Huama where we will have a day full of adventures.

DAY 4: Departure at 8:00 am after breakfast to Shanti Caño where we will take a walk through the jungle to explore the jungle among giant trees and learn about medicinal plants.

DAY 5: After breakfast we will start with the trip to Tipishca Grande where we will fish for piranhas and at the same time we will see a great variety of birds. Complete day.

DAY 6: We will continue to Lake Pasto Cocha where we will observe floating plants, Manatí and the largest fish in the Amazon, the Paiche. Full day – overnight.

DAY 7: After breakfast we will continue to Shanti Caño – overnight.

DAY 8: After breakfast we will take a two to three hour walk to observe tortoises. Full day – overnight.

DAY 9: We will leave in the direction of Tipishaca Huama by the same road where we will be able to appreciate the flower of the largest aquatic plant in the world, the Victoria Regia – pernote.

DAY 10: We leave at 8:00 am to the Watch Post 11 – Camotal for a night excursion in search of anacondas and alligators over 4 meters. Full day – pernote.

DAY 11: Return to our refuge where you can receive some illustrations from the guide about the trip. Overnight.

DAY 12: After breakfast we will start our journey to Control Post No. 12 Santa Rosa de Tibilo.

Arrival time to Lagunas: 15:00/16:00 hours. Where the passenger will decide if he continues his trip to Iquitos or returns to Yurimaguas.

Note: Huayruro Tours Lagunas does not assume expenses outside the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.

Price per person: S/.2280


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+51-965 662 555


Arica Street N° 111 – Yurimaguas
Alfonso Aiscorve Street N° 424 – Lagunas

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